Varškės apkepas iš 1 kg varškės ir manų kruopų - lengvas ir sveikas pusryčių variantas
varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės
), to define different elements of your document, such as headings, paragraphs, tables, lists, links, images, and more. HTML formatting can help you organize your article into sections, make it more readable and attractive, and enhance its functionality and accessibility. For example, you can use headings to create a clear outline of your article, use tables to display data in a structured way, use links to direct your readers to other sources of information, and use images to illustrate your points. To create an HTML document, you need a text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text, where you can write your HTML code and save it with a .html extension. You can then open your document in a web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to see how it looks. You can also use online tools, such as CodePen or JSFiddle, to write and preview your HTML code. Now that you have a basic idea of what HTML formatting is, let me show you how to use it for headings and tables in your article. ## How to use HTML formatting for headings Headings are important for creating a clear outline of your article and making it easier for your readers to follow your main points. Headings also help search engines understand the structure and content of your web page. to , where is the most important and is the least important. You should use only one heading per page, which should be the title of your article. You can then use the other levels of headings to create subheadings for each section or subsection of your article. For example, if you are writing an article about varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės (a Lithuanian cheese pudding made with 1 kg of cheese), you could use the following headings: Varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės: A Delicious Lithuanian Dessert
What is varškės apkepas?
The history of varškės apkepas
The benefits of varškės apkepas
How to make varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės
The ingredients
The steps
How to serve varškės apkepas
The best toppings
The best occasions
To make your headings more visible and attractive, you can also use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is another language that allows you to style your HTML elements. For example, you can use CSS to change the font size, color, alignment, or decoration of your headings. You can also use CSS to add borders, backgrounds, shadows, or animations to your headings. To use CSS in your HTML document, you have two options: you can either write your CSS code inside a tag in the section of your document, or you can link to an external CSS file using a tag in the section of your document. The second option is preferable if you want to keep your HTML code clean and separate from your CSS code. For example, if you want to make your heading bold and blue, and center it on the page, you could write the following CSS code inside a tag:
h1 font-weight: bold; color: blue; text-align: center;
Or you could write the same CSS code in a separate file called style.css and link to it using a tag:
## How to use HTML formatting for tables Tables are useful for displaying data or information in a structured and organized way. Tables can help you compare and contrast different values or categories, show relationships or trends, or summarize key points. HTML provides several tags for creating tables in your document. The main ones are: : Defines a table : Defines a table row : Defines a table cell : Defines a table header cell : Defines a table caption with a tag and then add one or more tags inside it. Each tag represents a row of cells in your table. Inside each tag, you can add one or more tags or tags. Each tag represents a regular cell in your table, while each tag represents a header cell that usually contains a title or a label for a column or a row. You can also add a tag inside your tag to give your table a title or a description. For example, if you want to create a table that shows the nutritional values of varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės per 100 g serving, you could write the following HTML code:
Nutritional values of varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės per 100 g serving
% Daily Value
212 kcal
10 g
Saturated fat
6 g
18 g
12 g
12 g
240 mg
To make your table more attractive and readable, you can also use CSS to style your table elements. For example, you can use CSS to change the font, color, size, or alignment of your table cells, add borders, padding, or margins to your table or its elements, or alternate the background color of your table rows. To use CSS for your table, you can either write your CSS code inside a tag in the section of your document, or link to an external CSS file using a tag in the same section. For example, if you want to make your table cells have a light gray background and a black border, and center the text inside them, you could write the following CSS code inside a tag:
table border-collapse: collapse; td, th background-color: lightgray; border: 1px solid black; text-align: center;
Or you could write the same CSS code in a separate file called style.css and link to it using a tag:
## How to write a conversational style article Now that you know how to use HTML formatting for headings and tables, let me give you some tips on how to write a conversational style article that engages your readers and conveys your message effectively. A conversational style article is one that sounds like you are talking to your readers directly, as if you were having a friendly chat with them. A conversational style article can help you build rapport and trust with your readers, make your article more enjoyable and memorable, and persuade your readers to take action or agree with your point of view. To write a conversational style article, you should follow these guidelines: - Use an informal tone. Avoid using jargon, technical terms, or formal language that might confuse or bore your readers. Instead, use simple, everyday words that your readers can easily understand and relate to. For example, instead of saying "varškės apkepas is a traditional Lithuanian dessert made with curd cheese, eggs, sugar, and semolina", you could say "varškės apkepas is a yummy cheese pudding that Lithuanians love to eat". - Utilize personal pronouns. Use words like "you", "I", "we", or "us" to address your readers directly and make them feel involved and valued. For example, instead of saying "one can enjoy varškės apkepas with various toppings", you could say "you can enjoy varškės apkepas with whatever toppings you like". - Keep it simple. Use short sentences and paragraphs that are easy to read and digest. Avoid using long or complex sentences that might confuse or overwhelm your readers. For example, instead of saying "varškės apkepas is a dessert that has been enjoyed by Lithuanians for centuries, and it is believed to have originated from the influence of German cuisine on the Baltic region during the Middle Ages", you could say "varškės apkepas is an old dessert that Lithuanians have been eating for a long time. It came from the Germans who lived near the Baltic Sea in the old days". - Engage the reader. Use questions, anecdotes, stories, examples, or humor to capture your reader's attention and interest. Make your article relevant and relatable to your reader's needs, wants, problems, or goals. For example, instead of saying "varškės apkepas is rich in protein and calcium, which are essential for bone health and muscle growth", you could say "do you want to have strong bones and muscles? Then you should try varškės apkepas. It has lots of protein and calcium that can help you stay healthy and fit". - Use the active voice. Use verbs that show action and responsibility, rather than verbs that show passivity or uncertainty. The active voice makes your article more clear, concise, and confident. For example, instead of saying "varškės apkepas is made by mixing cheese, eggs, sugar, and semolina in a bowl", you could say "you make varškės apkepas by mixing cheese, eggs, sugar, and semolina in a bowl". - Keep it brief. Don't ramble or repeat yourself unnecessarily. Stick to the main points of your article and avoid adding irrelevant or redundant information that might distract or bore your readers. For example, instead of saying "varškės apkepas is a very delicious dessert that tastes amazing and wonderful", you could say "varškės apkepas is a very delicious dessert". - Use rhetorical questions. Use questions that don't require an answer but rather make your readers think or agree with you. Rhetorical questions can help you emphasize your points, create curiosity, or challenge your readers. For example, instead of saying "varškės apkepas is easy to make", you could say "how easy is it to make varškės apkepas?". ## Varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės: A Delicious Lithuanian Dessert Do you love cheese? Do you love pudding? Do you love desserts that are easy to make and taste amazing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should try varškės apkepas 1 kg varškės. It's a yummy cheese pu